This service is for prints from already processed colour negatives to be re-printed either as single prints or complete films.
Colour 35mm re-prints and enlargements are available in any size from standard 6x4" prints to 24x36" prints and in gloss or matt surfaces, with or without borders. We can crop to a certain part of your image and make adjustments as required to enhance your prints also. If you have specific instructions please make them clear when sending in the job to be done and select any of the options from the dropdown menus.
Colour 35mm re-prints & Enlargements

6x4 re-print from 35mm negative

24 exp complete film re-print to 6x4

36 exp complete film re-print to 6x4

7x5 re-print from 35mm negative

24 exp complete film re-print to 7x5

35 exp complete film re-print to 7x5

8x6 enlargement from 35mm negative

9x6 enlargement from 35mm negative

10x8 enlargement from 35mm negative

12x8 enlargement from 35mm negative

10x12 enlargement from 35mm negative

16x12 enlargement from 35mm negative

20x16 enlargement from 35mm negative

20x30 enlargement from 35mm negative

24x36 enlargement from 35mm negative
To send your negatives for printing and enlarging by manual methids please print off a copy of our order form HERE and fill out your instructions and details and send it to our address located at the top of the form. If you place an order online then please follow the instructions on the confirmation email sent once the order is placed. If you do not receive the confirmation email then please check your junk folder before contacting us.