We offer a variety of Restoration and Retouching services, from repairing rips and scratches to prints to a full scale rebuild and restore. (Replacing missing parts, background replacement and colour changes) We also offer colourisation where a black and white image can be turned into a colour image)
Simple Repairs
For torn, scratched and minor damage repairs to images, we scan the original print and then repair the damage and re print to the size that you require. Piecing the broken parts together and repairing the image is a relatively straight forward process when the tears don’t majorly affect the face or specific parts of the image and so need not cost a fortune. Scratches and marks can easily be fixed at a reasonable cost.

More Complex Repairs
For repairs that run through faces and more important parts of the photos there is a slightly higher charge, but still affordable. Photographs that have faults through faces can be complex and judgement has to be used in order to repair the images to a satisfactory level. Obviously when parts of the photos are completely missing a certain artistic licence has to be given. For discoloured sections of photographs these can be blended back in to look as they were in most cases.

Colour Restoration
One thing we get asked a lot for is colourisation to turn a black and white print into a colour print. With an idea of the colours required and some judgement on the technician's part this is certainly a possibility. We take a faded or damaged print, do the repairs necessary, and then begin the process of turning it in to colour with the care and attention required to present a great finished product. We can take a brief and as with all of our retouching and restoration services we will keep making alterations until our customers are completely satisfied with the final result.

Print to Print copying
Print to print copying is extremely popular. Our aim is to reproduce or better the original print if possible, without incurring additional re touch or restoration fees. For straight forward print to print copying we scan the original and re print to the size required. We do apply some correction where needed to make the finished print a better quality. In our copying software we have some simple enhancement options to counteract fading and/or colour loss etc.
For the print to print services and to order online the options are on the Print to Print page under the scanning tab HERE
To give an accurate estimate of the costs involved in any of the restoration and retouching services available, we will need to see the level of retouching needed beforehand. We will not be able to give any estimates of cost or timescale unless we can see the original.
Orders can be sent by manual order form by clicking HERE. Do not send originals before obtaining an estimate and accepting or postage will have to be charged to return the prints.